
No.5 (H16 第1回)
☆: Captain, where’s that burglary suspect we brought in this morning?
★: We’ve got him down in a cell. Why?
☆: His lawyer’s here and wants to see him.
★: Ok. I’ll have someone go and get him and take him to the interview room.
  Q:Where is the conversation taking place?
1. At a police station.
2. In a corporate office.
3. In an attorney’s office.
4. At a research laboratory.

この問題は全体でキーワードを拾えれば解答できる問題です。burglary suspect, lawyer, interview room ということを考え、容疑者の接見と言う状況がわかれば、1の警察署と言うことが常識を使ってもわかります。


No.6 (H16 第2回)
☆: Honey, don’t you think it’s time you took your shirts to the cleaners?
★: I will, I will. But you know that I like to wait and take it a lot at once.
☆: Well, the longer you wait, the harder it is to get the stains and dirt out. How many times do I have to tell you?
★: You know that’s the way I’ve always done it.
☆: And that’s why I often see a ring around your collar on your clean shirts.
  Q:What does the woman want the man to do?
1. Change his shirts more often.
2. Find a new dry cleaner.
3. Complain to the cleaner.
4. Get his shirts cleaned sooner

