

(1)To complete each item, choose the best word among the ten choices.

1. After his acquittal, he claimed he had been completely (@@@ ) .
2. For the annual hog wrestling contest the hogs are (@@@ ) with slippery oil.
3. Itfs difficult to satisfy youngstersf ( @@@) appetite for computer games.
4. No matter how much pressure he felt he never (@@@ ) in his decision.
5. The liquid in the tank is so (@@@ ) that it is necessary to seal it carefully.
6. Donft dismiss John as a (@@@ ); in his quiet way, hefs very important to the firm.
7. Many chemical reactions cannot take place without the presence of a ( @@@) .
8. The unions will attempt to (@@@ ) their groups into one national body.
9. For her retirement she (@@@ ) a house in the Swiss Alps.
10. There is a fallacy in this (@@@ ) about capital punishment.

amalgamate, catalyst, envisage, insatiable, nonentity, smear, syllogism, vindicate, volatile, waver

(2)To complete each item, choose the best word among the four choices.

1. During rare weekends away from the movies set, the director would seek (@@@ ) in the quiet of his mountain hideaway to recharge his creative batteries.
  1.remorse 2. amnesty 3. solace 4. tumult
2. Because of its inclination to ( @@@), most Indian art is reminiscent of Japanese art, where symbols have been minimized and meaning has been conveyed by the merest suggestion.
  1. understate 2. sentimentalize 3. overrate 4. glamorize
3. He collapsed ,and was ( @@@) with ankle ligament injuries.
  1. symbolic 2. indulgent 3. populous 4. prostrate
4. If you find peeling potatoes to be (@@@ ), perhaps youfd prefer to scrub the floors?
  1. felicitous 2. remunerative 3. onerous 4. vilifying
5. A long illness can (@@@ ) even the strongest constitution.
  1. obviate 2. inculcate 3. enervate 4. disparage
6. It is said that Shakespeare had only a ( @@@) of Greek and Latin.
  1. smearing 2. smattering 3. smothering 4. smashing
7. I fished all day and, having forgotten to pack a lunch, developed a ( @@@)hunger by supper time.
  1. nauseous 2. atrocious 3. ferocious 4. grievous
8. It would reduce your spending money, but it would be (@@@ ) of you to have money withheld monthly from your salary for savings.
  1. evolutionary 2. extravagant 3. expedient 4. elastic
9. Although Thomas put forth a very (@@@ ) argument, I still have deep-seated reservations about his ideological base.
  1.innocuous 2. literal 3. cogent 4. provisional
10. Social scientists are still able to reveal a pattern of (@@@ ) even in societies embracing "equal rights."
  1. bureaucracy 2. stratification 3. integrity 4. identity